08:30 Registration and collection of documentation
Counter floor -1
09:00 Inauguration – Welcome:
09:45 Perspectives of tourist and flexible accommodation in data.
10:05 Perspectives of the regulatory framework for Apartments and Tourist Homes in Spain
Oportunidades y profesionalización del turismo residencial ante el marco normativo Europeo.
11:00 Coffee break and visit to the exhibition area
Sponsored by Polaroo and Icnea
12:00 OpCo – PropCo, contract types and best model.
12:45 Keynote: Use AI in a practical and real way to increase your business volume
13:00 Challenges & opportunities for Serviced Apartments in Europe
English with simultaneous translation
13:45 Keynote: Channel Manager: optimize time or improve performance?
14:00 Lunch & Networking! Visita zona expositiva
Sponsored by IMS Medical
15:30 One to one with…
English with simultaneous translation
16:00 One to one with…
English with simultaneous translation
16:30 Trends in corporate hosting and digital nomads
17:15 The balance in the management of cities as mature tourist destinations
18:00 Welcome networking cocktail
Patio Inglés of the NH Málaga Hotel
08:30 Registration and collection of documentation
Counter floor -1
09:00 Inauguration – Welcome:
09:45 Perspectives of tourist and flexible accommodation in data.
10:15 Key for the best online positioning and reputation
English with simultaneous translation
11:00 Coffee break and visit to the exhibition area
Sponsored by Polaroo and Icnea
12:00 Operator differentiation optimizing costs and operations
Keynote: TBC
12:15 Keys to managing a multi-destination portfolio.
13:00 Security challenges and solutions for Tourist Apts
13:15 Finding operational balance. Cleaning, laundry, revenue, own or external services?
14:00 Lunch & Networking! Visita zona expositiva
Sponsored by IMS Medical
15:30 Real Estate Investment Opportunities in Tourist Accommodation and Flex Living
16:15 Outperforming your market with flexibility
16:30 Get to know the European regulation that will impact your STR
English with simultaneous translation
17:17 The legal panorama of Spain in the face of regulatory changes.
18:00 Welcome networking cocktail
Patio Inglés of the NH Málaga Hotel
Vitur Summit 2024 is co-funded by the Andalusia 2021-2027 ERDF Program and the Andalusian Regional Government.
The event also enjoys the sponsorship of Tourism and Planning Costa del Sol as the Gold Sponsor, Málaga City Council, and Málaga Convention Bureau.